Business & Investor Immigration

Canada is one of the best places to start and own a business. The country offers low taxes, a strong economy, low startup costs, and exceptional quality of life. There are many options for business owners and investors to stay in Canada.
There are three different categories for business immigration:

The startup visa program focuses on the immigration of highly qualified entrepreneurs who have the skills necessary to start and maintain a successful business. These immigrations must prove their ability to create Canadian jobs and be competitive in the national and global market.

What are the requirements?

If you are interested in starting a new business in Canada, the first step is to obtain an affirmation from one of the designated organizations recognized by the Canadian government. Once affirmed by one of these organizations, you may qualify to immigrate to Canada on a start-up visa with a confirmation letter.

Up to five individuals can apply for a start-up visa program as owners of a single business. Each candidate must hold no less than 10 percent ownership of the company. In addition, these five individuals must own a majority of the business.

Immigration applicants must pass a dialect test from an approved English or French association. This test includes listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections. Each applicant must meet the base level of the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in order to be considered.

The Canadian government does not provide monetary assistance for new companies. Given this, the Canadian government requires documentation displaying your ability to financially support yourself and your new venture.

Self-Employed Program

In an effort to increase job offerings, the Canadian government has created a program that offers permanent residency to skilled entrepreneurs interested in starting their own Canadian-based ventures. The Canadian government will evaluate self-employment applications based on your age, job experience, and language capabilities. Each of these criteria will be used to provide a score. The base score for consideration is 35 out of 100. The immigration office may require proof of previous work experience that relates to the venture you are looking to start. Furthermore, athletes seeking to become top-rated professionals in their respective sports are encouraged to apply to this program.

Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program (IIVC)

The IIVC program was designed to attract global investors who have strategic experience and job skills that will boost the Canadian economy via Capital Investment. The program is currently closed but will likely open again in the future. If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact a member of our team. It is important to note the requirements associated with the IIVC program. These include the following:

In order to be considered for the IIVC program applicants must have $10 million CDN in total person assets.

In addition to the net worth requirements, the IIVC program requires you to engage in investment activities equal to $2 million dollars CDN over the course of 15 years. These investments must be considered “venture-capital” investments which do not have insurance policies similar to retirement accounts.

In order to be accepted for this program it is mandatory that you pass a language test. This test can be taken in English or French. The test that you take must abide by the requirements set for in the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5. The CLB requires testing in speaking, cognition, reading and writing.

In it mandatory for applicants to complete a degree of education that is equivalent to the Canadian post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate of at least one year. Your education tenure can be validated by an original Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from a CIC-designated organization. 

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program was announced by the Canadian Government to aid skilled immigrant workers and international graduates looking to live permanently in Canada. This program only applies to Canadian provinces located on the Atlantic coast. These provinces include the following:

  • New Brunswick
  • Price Edward Island
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia

There are three separate programs you can apply to live and work permanently in Atlantic Canada. We have listed these programs below:

  • Atlantic International Graduate Program
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program
  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program

Each of these programs has specific requirements which include the following:

  • Proficiency in English or French
  • Capacity for financial self- sufficiency for yourself and family
  • Sufficient planning to live in the Atlantic provinces
  • Demonstration for skills, experience and education
  • Demonstration of potential jobs you are able to work in these provinces